Lessons from the Treadmill: Take Yourself Forward with 3 Easy Steps

Robert Liang
2 min readJan 21, 2024


I have developed a strong and growing affinity with the treadmill at my gym over the past year. Indeed, the time spent pounding out 8 kilometres at an even pace has enriched me with focus and determination. I have learnt lessons there applicable to life. Here are three insights which can help you, on or off the treadmill.

Consistency is Key

Running, like any worthy endeavour, is most rewarding when regularly pursued.

Your body remembers consistent, habitual behaviours and anticipates them. Even if you were exhausted by yesterday’s run, by going again today you’re strengthening a physical resilience and resolve. Adjust your mileage if necessary, but don’t miss a day to exert your abilities.

On the treadmill you are running against no one but your own personal record; so it is with other efforts in your life — stay consistent and the progress will be your reward.

Divide the Distance to your Finish Line

Do not focus on the entire distance that you must cover, but aim only for the nearest milestone.

When I run 8 kilometres, my attention is always on the first 4 or the last 4 depending on the distance already covered. This allows me to break down that 4kms into ten blocks of 400m which is mentally more manageable. When carrying on a task, remember to divide it into practicable segments so your mind can focus on the business at hand and not be daunted by the remaining work to be done.

By establishing checkpoints to a goal you can track and be refreshed by your progress.

Challenge Yourself to Exceed Expectations

Prove to yourself that you are capable of running steadily and sprinting when you have to.

I set myself various challenges on that 8km run. For instance, I run the first 4kms breathing only through my nose, and the last kilometre at a sprint. It is always satisfying to pass these physical and mental tests which show me that I am capable of achieving more.

As you press ahead in your tasks, challenge your abilities by imposing various constraints — you will be impressed by your resilience and resourcefulness.

We are each on a treadmill running towards our goals. How we approach the journey will determine the distance we go — so learn from the seasoned runners and be ready to stretch yourself. You will go further than ever imagined.



Robert Liang

A poet, thinker and wordsmith. I delight in transmitting ideas through ink and paper. Eager to learn from my betters and feed a hungry mind.